
Save up to 98% on phone

number verification

Benefit from many providers at once: Telegram, WhatsApp, etc

Automatically select the cheapest one for user's phone number

Benefit from many providers at once: Telegram, WhatsApp, etc

Automatically select the cheapest
one for user's phone number

import { MsgAuth } from "msg-auth";

try {
	const msgAuth = new MsgAuth('api_key');

    const result = await msgAuth.sendCheapestMessage(phoneNumber);

    switch (result.strategy) {
        case 'cheap':
            console.log('Message sent successfully via cheapest method (telegram/whatsapp/other sms provider)!');

            const code = prompt('Enter the verification code sent to your phone:');

            const token = await result.confirm(code);

            await signInWithCustomTokenFirebase(token);

        case 'fallback':
            console.log('Fallback to Firebase for phone number authentication because it's cheaper for that country code.');

            await signInWithPhoneNumberFirebase(phoneNumber);

            throw new Error(`Unexpected strategy: ${result.strategy}`);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('An error occurred during the authentication process:', error.message);
import { MsgAuth } from "msg-auth";

try {
	const msgAuth = new MsgAuth('api_key');

    const result = await msgAuth.sendCheapestMessage(phoneNumber);

    switch (result.strategy) {
        case 'cheap':
            console.log('Message sent successfully via cheapest method (telegram/whatsapp/other sms provider)!');

            const code = prompt('Enter the verification code sent to your phone:');

            const token = await result.confirm(code);

            await signInWithCustomTokenFirebase(token);

        case 'fallback':
            console.log('Fallback to Firebase for phone number authentication because it's cheaper for that country code.');

            await signInWithPhoneNumberFirebase(phoneNumber);

            throw new Error(`Unexpected strategy: ${result.strategy}`);
} catch (error) {
    console.error('An error occurred during the authentication process:', error.message);

Easy to integrate
on top of existing solution

Easy to integrate
on top of existing solution

Fallback for free if user has no account in cheaper providers

Fallback for free if user has no account in cheaper providers

2024 MsgAuth
